Frequently Asked Questions

Our hub is located in Yiwu, China with postal code is 322000, Yiwu, Zhejiang.

The complete address for the hub will be displayed on the Waybill, which is generated when an order is placed on the Airpool website.

The Harmonized System is an international nomenclature for the classification of products. It allows participating countries to classify traded goods on a common basis for customs purposes. In simple terms – a HS Code is a standardized code used worldwide to determine how much you need to pay for duties.

You can use one of the below search engines or you can ask your supplier for the correct HS code.  Alternatively reach out to us via the live chat or email us at [email protected] for assistance.


Airpool cannot ship any items classified as dangerous or hazardous goods, including products with batteries and magnets. Furthermore the following products can also not be shipped by Airpool. If you are uncertain, please reach out to us in the live chat or at [email protected].

  1. Dangerous goods as defined by IATA (International Air Transport Association)
  2. Animals, Game and Livestock
  3. Heavy Machinery
  4. Drugs and Narcotics
  5. Second hand clothing
  6. Prescription medication and Prescription medical equipment
  7. Cigarettes, Cigars and Tobacco Products
  8. Arms, Ammunition, Explosives and other related items
  9. Cash, Bank Instruments, Precious Stones, Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metals (e.g. Copper, Cobalt, etc.) and other related items
  10. Pornographic or objectionable materials
  11. Seeds and plants
  12. Counterfeit goods
  13. Liquids / powders
  14. Branded goods
  15. Batteries or any goods containing batteries and accessible/inaccessible hazardous goods
  16. Consumable goods / food stuffs
  17. Magnetic goods / magnets
  18. Cosmetic goods, any liquids and or powders

Billable weight is the greater of the actual weight and the volumetric weight. Volumetric weight is a calculation based on the dimensions of the package. Which is Length x Width x Breadth / 5000

Example: A box that is 30 kg and 100 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm will have a volumetric weight of

100 x 100 x 100 / 5000 = 200.00 kg

The reason for this complexity is that some people might ship feathers, which takes up a lot of space but does not weigh a lot. In these cases, the volumetric weight will be charged.

  1. Firstly, check that there are no empty fields. Empty field will be highlighted in red.
  2. Delete all empty package or product lines
  3. Ensure that the combined weight of your packages match the combined weight of your products. The validator at the bottom of the page will be highlighted in green if your weights match.
  4. Check that the number of packages is greater than the total number of products added.
  5. If you still can’t calculate your shipping, please contact us on the chat function for further assistance.
Landed cost is the total price of a product from factory floor to buyer’s door. This includes the cost of the goods paid to your supplier, the international and local shipping costs, clearance costs, insurance, currency conversion and the import taxes & duties.
It is represented on a per unit cost and helps you with:
  •  Understanding what you would need to charge for the product to make it profitable
  •  How to cost the goods in your accounts or accounting package

Airpool offers full transparency and trackability of your packages.

Once you’ve logged in to your account, you will be able to view each order’s status and location.

Our hub is located in Yiwu, China with postal code is 322000, Yiwu, Zhejiang.

The complete address for the hub will be displayed on the Waybill, which is generated when an order is placed on the Airpool website.

The Harmonized System is an international nomenclature for the classification of products. It allows participating countries to classify traded goods on a common basis for customs purposes. In simple terms – a HS Code is a standardized code used worldwide to determine how much you need to pay for duties.

You can use one of the below search engines or you can ask your supplier for the correct HS code.  Alternatively reach out to us via the live chat or email us at [email protected] for assistance.


Airpool cannot ship any items classified as dangerous or hazardous goods, including products with batteries and magnets. Furthermore the following products can also not be shipped by Airpool. If you are uncertain, please reach out to us in the live chat or at [email protected].

  • Dangerous goods as defined by IATA (International Air Transport Association)
  • Animals, Game and Livestock
  • Heavy Machinery
  • Drugs and Narcotics
  • Prescription medication and Prescription medical equipment
  • Cigarettes, Cigars and Tobacco Products
  • Arms, Ammunition, Explosives and other related items
  • Cash, Bank Instruments, Precious Stones, Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metals (e.g., Copper, Cobalt, etc.) and other related items
  • Pornographic or objectionable materials
  • Seeds
  • Counterfeit goods
  • Batteries or any goods containing batteries and accessible/inaccessible hazardous goods

Billable weight is the greater of the actual weight and the volumetric weight. Volumetric weight is a calculation based on the dimensions of the package. Which is Length x Width x Breadth / 5000

Example: A box that is 30 kg and 100 cm x 100 cm x 100 cm will have a volumetric weight of

100 x 100 x 100 / 5000 = 200.00 kg

The reason for this complexity is that some people might ship feathers, which takes up a lot of space but does not weigh a lot. In these cases, the volumetric weight will be charged.

  1. Firstly, check that there are no empty fields. Empty field will be highlighted in red.
  2. Delete all empty package or product lines
  3. Ensure that the combined weight of your packages match the combined weight of your products. The validator at the bottom of the page will be highlighted in green if your weights match.
  4. Check that the number of packages is greater than the total number of products added.
  5. If you still can’t calculate your shipping, please contact us on the chat function for further assistance.
Landed cost is the total price of a product from factory floor to buyer’s door. This includes the cost of the goods paid to your supplier, the international and local shipping costs, clearance costs, insurance, currency conversion and the import taxes & duties.
It is represented on a per unit cost and helps you with:
  •  Understanding what you would need to charge for the product to make it profitable
  •  How to cost the goods in your accounts or accounting package

Airpool offers full transparency and trackability of your packages.

Once you’ve logged in to your account, you will be able to view each order’s status and location.

Landed Cost

Landed cost is the sum of all expenses associated with importing your goods from China to South Africa. This includes the cost of the goods paid to your supplier, the shipping costs, clearance costs and the import taxes & duties.

It is represented on a per unit cost and helps you with:

  •  Understanding what you would need to charge for the product to make it profitable
  •  How to cost the goods in your accounts or accounting package

Note: This is not what you are paying to Airpool but rather what you are paying to all the suppliers and relevant parties: Airpool, the Manufacturer of the goods and the Import Taxes (VAT & Duties)