An all-inclusive solution including customs clearance, local delivery and international freight
Access unbeatable rates from your first kilogram, on our fully automated quote generator
An all-inclusive solution including customs clearance, local delivery and international freight
Full access to Live Tracking of packages with No Hidden Costs at Locked in Rates
See the exact costs of your goods, including the freight, VAT & duties.
Get instant hassle-free rates. Guaranteed to be accurate and locked in.
All charges are subject to price increases and dependent on product inclusion*
See how your different orders from different suppliers are shipped together to save you on costs!
Consolidation is the process of combining multiple orders into one tracking number. This allows your packages to be delivered together but in their original packages.
When packages are shipped individually, each package’s shipping cost is calculated separately (and there is usually a minimum surcharge), but when you consolidate, the shipping fee is calculated on the bulk order which works out much more cost-effectively.
We want to keep you informed! Due to ongoing warehouse transitions, the release of the console has been delayed until March. We understand this may be disappointing, and we sincerely appreciate your patience and support during this time.
Landed cost is the sum of all expenses associated with importing your goods from China to South Africa. This includes the cost of the goods paid to your supplier, the shipping costs, clearance costs and the import taxes & duties.
It is represented on a per unit cost and helps you with:
Note: This is not what you are paying to Airpool but rather what you are paying to all the suppliers and relevant parties: Airpool, the Manufacturer of the goods and the Import Taxes (VAT & Duties)